
Quisto > Health > Resources

Resources Websites

The word resource is a noun. Resource means (1) a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed, (2) the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems, (3) available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed. The Quisto editorial staff has evaluated these websites and placed them in the Resource information category.

  • Allied Health Education
    Directory of selected allied health education services throughout the United States.
  • Ask Dr. Weil
    Source for education, information, products, services, and philanthropic contributions based on the principles of integrative medicine.
  • BioMed Central
    Independent publisher of peer-reviewed open access biomedical research journals.
  • Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
    Health sciences library, located at the University of Iowa.
  • Health On The Net Foundation
    HON's mission is to guide Internet users to reliable understandable accessible and trustworthy sources of medical and health information.
  • healthfinder
    A free guide to reliable health information, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • JAMA
    The Journal of the American Medical Association is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal.
  • MEDLINEplus
    Health and drug information plus a medical term glossary, from the National Library of Medicine. Also features a doctor, dentist, and hospital directory.
  • MedlinePlus - Directories
    Features links to directories to help you find health professionals, services, and facilities.
    Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
  • National Center for Health Statistics
    The NCHS, a source for information about America's health, compiles statistical information which can help guide actions and policies that improve the health of America's people.
  • NHLBI - Health Information for the Public
    Contains health information for the general public and health care professionals relating to heart & vascular diseases, lung diseases, blood diseases & disorders, and sleep disorders.
  • Quackwatch
    This non-profit corporation strives to combat health-related frauds, myths, and fads. Features an online guide to making intelligent health decisions and avoiding health fraud and quackery.
  • The Surgeon General
    Health information directory and search engine.

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Quisto™ • Selected resources from the World Wide Web.

Quisto > Health > Resource Website Directory